Crocker Range Park HQ

Crocker Range Park was established in 1984 and in June 2014 was recognised as a Biosphere Reserve by the International Coordinating Council for Biosphere Reserve (CRBR), a programme under UNESCO. The park is protected by the jurisdiction of Sabah Parks.

Crocker Range park is located in the West Coast of Sabah and run along Northeast to Southwest axis of the state region. This park is the ‘backbone’ of the districts of Penampang, Tuaran, Ranau, Tambunan, Keningau, Tenom, Beaufort and Papar.

There are 7 main substations monitoring the park, there are – Mahua, Gunung Alab, Ulu Kimanis, Ulu Membakut, Melalap, Buayan and Inobong substation. More details pertaining to the substation are available here.

Lying at an altitude of about 1,000m asl the pleasant climate of the montane forest and panoramic view of Keningau town is an ideal place to escape from the city in exchange for a secluded meeting place for conferences, adventure trekking and outdoor activities such as camping or birding activities.

The Crocker Range headquarters offers visitors accommodation and food services for overnight stays and attractions such as gallery, insectarium, fernarium, observation tower and trekking trail.

The headquarters is located 14km from Keningau Town, about 25 minutes away by car. From Kota Kinabalu City, visitors can take the Tung Ma Coach Bus to Keningau (Approximately RM 20 per way). Schedule runs 3 times daily at 8am, 12pm and 4pm (subject to change) departing from Padang Merdeka Bus Station. Alternatively, visitors can rent a car for a scenic drive.



Product Contact

Contact: Crocker Range Park (Head Station Keningau)

Article last reviewed: September 23, 2024

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